Bezos-Art Calculator

This project creates 0 years of artists making $ per year.

Instead of focusing on unprofitable art for the public good, a small team of dedicated artists could tackle a more elusive project: Selling art to Jeff Bezos. Use this calculator to see why this makes more sense than you want it to.

Jeff Bezos has a current net worth of $198,500,000,000.
For him, spending $5,000,000 on a piece of art is the equivalent of a person who has a net worth of $120,000 spending $3.11.

Jeff Bezos pays...


Minimum artist salary


Let’s account for spending % of the initial cost for materials: $0 . And set aside % of what Bezos pays as the ROI to investors, which would be a payout of $. This leaves a total of $ left to fund a one year salary of $ for years (or artists).

1. Gather Investors

If investors provide 50% upfront costs, they could double their money in a few short years when the artwork sells. However, this challenge is double or nothing. If the artists fail to sell the artwork to Jeff Bezos, the investors get nothing.

2. Recruit Artists

The artists will be presented with a unique challenge, focusing all of their artistic intentions for 1-3 years towards selling artwork to Jeff Bezos. This will be the sole focus of their work for the entirety of the project's timeline.

3. Sell Jeff Bezos a work of art

We offer no support, insights, or advantages in selling this work to Jeff Bezos. The artists are responsible for ideation, introduction, and process to facilitate and succeed in selling Mr. Bezos on their work.